Monday, June 13, 2011

How will Jax eat?

This morning I was feeding my baby boy and I realized that we are all born completely dependent. So much so that we will actually die without another human's intervention. We cannot feed ourselves, quench our own thirst, wash our own bodies, protect ourselves from the elements, and some newborns cannot even breathe on their own at the beginning of life. Why would a Creator design us this way? Why would we be made so vulnerable? Isn't it interesting that God Himself is made up of three beings - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We live in such an independent world that teaches us we need to be able to "stand on our own" and "fight for ourselves" and "do what is best for you." But maybe that is not what we were created to be. Maybe we are supposed to be interdependent. Maybe we are supposed to need each other. And just maybe things work best the more we work and live interdependently with one another. "For the Body is not one member but many..." 1 Cor. 12.

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