Friday, June 10, 2011

Is Jesus Enough?

While doing weights at the gym this morning (for the second time in probably a year), I was listening to a song about how Jesus is enough. It got me thinking - is He enough? So, I looked up the definition of enough which is as follows:

-adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire: enough water; noise enough to wake the dead.
-an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency.
-in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose or satisfies a need or desire; sufficiently.
(used to express impatience or exasperation): Enough! I heard you the first time.

When I think of the word enough, I think of something that just satisfies, is adequate, or sufficient. Is that really a good representative of Jesus who wants to give us life and give it abundantly?! Jesus is so much more than enough. He doesn't just quench my thirst, He makes me so I never thirst again! He doesn't just satisfy my hunger, He fills me with food everlasting! He doesn't just heal my wounds, He restores my soul! He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the End. Who/what can compare to the overwhelming love and supply that God has for us? Is He enough? No. He is far surpassing what our feeble minds can even think or dream. He is not enough. He is ALL.