Thursday, June 2, 2011


Jax was due on May 2, 2011. At 35 weeks into my pregnancy I developed a rash around my belly button. The itching drove me crazy, but isolated in one place it was tolerable. Within the next two weeks it spread to my arms, legs, butt, and whole stomach. The doctor had me on Benadryl and Zyrtec everyday with some hydrocortisone cream. Nothing helped! It felt like I had poison oak all over my body and could get no relief. The only momentary alleviation was when I would take a cold bath which was another kind of misery within itself. I was diagnosed with a rare disorder called PUPPP.

The only cure is birth! This is so miserable I can't even begin to explain. I was able to wait until 37 1/2 weeks but my PUPPP began to multiply by the hour and so my OBGYN recommended a rushed C-section if his lungs were developed enough. They were! PTL! So Jax came on April 14, 2011. After a short NICU stay for him (for antibiotics) and a speedy recovery for me, we were home after two days.

Unfortunately, it still takes PUPPP a couple of weeks to disappear. So, here I am miserable AND have this new-born baby. Prayer was my constant! It was to slowest two weeks of my life and now I am itch-free (though i did get a small case of poison oak after, the irony) and loving Mommyhood with all its challenges and joys.
Everyone told me before I had a baby that it would change my life forever. And though this is true, I would more accurately say in my experience that it changed my heart. Something happened when Jax was born from the first cry as he came out of the womb. Suddenly the world looks different. It looks more tangible and full of life and humans are more beautiful and I have a strange new compassion I didn't have before. God looks different. He looks colorful and wild and soft. The love He has for us is amplified through my baby's eyes. For the first week I cried when I would look at him and it was just the two of us. Im sure some of this was postpartum, but it was also experiencing a deeper love than I had ever experienced before. And then came fear of losing him. And then came a minute fraction of understanding of how it must have been to give His Son on the cross. And then came trust that if He was able to give up this great love for us that He would always have my best and Jax's best in mind so that no matter what happens, and no matter what pain we may experience, He will give us strength to endure and heal our broken hearts until the day comes when we are all in harmony face to face abounding in love with no more separation and no more death. Life is forever changed...


  1. Beautifully written! You brought tears to my eyes! I hope to meet the little guy very soon! I miss you guys! You look like are having a blast being a mommy and I know that you and Brennon are truly blessed to be starting your family! Love you!

  2. He was all worth it, I can tell. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I bawled or teared up nearly every time I looked at Reid for the first few months. Motherhood is certainly a personal peak into how God feels about us.

  4. Love u too Ash! Hope to be celebrating with u as well soon ;) And yes, he is worth it all! I would do it again :) @Niki - Im sure you cried. Teid is a true miracle as are you after all you went through.
