Friday, August 26, 2011

And the baby gold medal goes to....

Recently I've become aware of the amazing amount of stress of competition babies come into the world with. Immediately, people say "He is the cutest baby ever" or "Oh! She just has the sweetest smile!" or "Wow, he is very advanced developmentally!" You rarely hear, "You have the ugliest baby I have ever seen" or "Your baby is just not the sharpest toy in the box." At least not to your face. We seem to have an obsession to make sure our children are keeping up with the Smiths (just tired of the other name). I remember as a child overhearing my parents talk with my aunts and uncles about our athletic abilities. "Well, Brandy can blah blah blah." "Well, you should see my daughter blah blah blah." Why do we feel the need for our children to be "better". Is it for the lack in our own lives? Why do we feel that we need to be better than others? And what is the standard for what is better or what is best? I was always "good" at track, but sure enough there was always someone who could run faster. And even if I was able to be the fastest person on this planet, someone in twenty years would break my record. And even if no one could break my record, there is is whole universe out there that can travel faster than I can think. And even then, if I was the fastest mover in the whole universe, what then? Am I loved more? Do I get to escape the hands of death? Is my worth of greater value? To whom? So, why are we obsessed with comparisons? In heaven, the first shall be last and the greatest are those who serve most. I think I remember a conversation similar to this where Jesus' besties were asking who is the greatest, who will get to sit next to Him in the hereafter. Jesus was like, "You guys don't get it. You don't realize what your asking for." And they died martyrs deaths. Who is greatest, who is best is not based on IQ scores, athletic ability, the amount of money you make, or how fast your child can learn to talk. There is only ONE GREAT, there is only ONE BEST, and as long as He is my standard, I will always fall short, and I will always be in exactly the right place. The only person I should be comparing myself to is myself, so that in the light of Jesus Christ and through His strength I can become the unique wonderful beautiful person He created me to be. I hope my son grows up knowing there is nothing he can do or be that would make me love him any more or less. He is loved because he exISts, and no other can earn his place in my heart. It is not earned, it is given. Freely. No strings attached. Just love.

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